Marsh Lake

Marsh Lake

Saturday, December 19, 2009


How do we connect with each other?  The other day I went for a ride with my husband up to his pheasant hunting area.  We left about 3:30 pm, with no particular plan in mind, just to take a ride and see if there were any pheasant roosters out to be seen.  The sun was beginning to set when we got out to the area that my husband hunts, the sky was overcast, and it was cold.  I'm always grateful for those heated seats on days like that.  For some reason, it had been a particularly discouraging day, and I was feeling pretty down when we left.  In fact, the only reason that I went was that I knew that if I stayed home I would get nothing done at all.  Going for a ride seemed to be a great way to dodge the work at home, and, at the same time, get some one on one with the hubby.
I made myself a cocktail to go, my husband an iced tea to go, put on warm boots and took my warm jacket.  We had not gone very far when I opened up on my husband.  Now, let me just say this.  He is a saint.  No, not perfect, but when it comes to understanding me, there is no-one that can compare with him.  He doesn't always try to fix what's wrong, he just listens sometimes.  He points out things that I have overlooked, and doesn't judge the way I feel.  He lets me vent.  He listens to my frustrations and my tantrums.  He reminds me of what is really important.  He just loves me and our children and our childrens' children.  Just like they are.  With faults and flaws and blessings.  He just loves us.
Needless to say, when we arrived back home, well after dark, we were both tired and hungry.  I was exhausted from my mental day, and he was tired from his physical day.  He offered McDonalds.  I declined.  We got home and I whipped up a homemade hamburger for each of us.  Real ground beef, mixed with spices and a new ingredient, some precooked bacon added to the mixture.  Fired up the cast iron skillet, fried them with some red onions and topped them with cheese.  Got buns out of the freezer, threw them in the oven and toasted them lightly.  Dressed the buns, popped on the burgers, dug out some chips and a soda and had the hands down most amazing burger ever.  OK, maybe we were really hungry, but that bacon mixed in just did something extra for the whole burger.  I'll never mix them up without it again (if I can help it). 
Anyway, I just want to say how fortunate I am to be able to connect with those I love.  Maybe I can't everyday.  Maybe it's on a ride or over a pedicure, or when my son needs a recipe or something else.  But we do connect.  And I have to remember that sometimes its not that I have to try to connect, but just I have to let it happen, and don't resist.  Just go along for the ride.
Here's to happy days and hamburgers!

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